We can cater to all your online EPC booking queries for Liverpool and the North West of England.

We offer a great service at a price to suit all budgets and all prices include VAT and lodgement fees on the UK Government EPC Register via Quidos.

All our surveyors are fully qualified to at least Level 3 UK Domestic Energy Assessor and are all part of a Government accreditation body from Quidos, Elmhurst or ECMK which means your certificate will be visible on the EPC register within an hour of production.

All our assessors are regularly assessed by the accreditation bodies giving you the peace of mind that your are using the best assessors available. 

We offer a complete start to finish service and make sure you are kept up to date if any issues arise and we are fully insured for both public liability and personal indemnity to give the peace of mind you should always have when workers are in your property.

      Book your Domestic Energy Assessment 

Use this page to book your assessment at a date and time that is suitable to you - always remember when booking full access to the property will be required.

Prices are all inclusive of VAT and lodgement £30 Legionella testing & £49-£99 EPC assessments.

All Energy Performance and Legionella certificates are lodged via Quidos